Parathyroid Surgery Adelaide

Dr Samuel Rice – MBBS, FRACS

Specialist Parathyroid Surgeon

Learn more about the parathyroid glands and parathyroid surgery for hyperparathyroidism.

Parathyroid Surgery Adelaide


Find out more about what’s involved in parathyroid conditions, surgery and Dr Rice’s approach to your medical care during the surgical process.

What are the Parathyroid Glands

The parathyroid glands are located within the thyroid gland just below the voice box in your neck.

Each of the four parathyroid glands (two each side of the neck) are oval shaped and are about the size of a pea.

The Parathyroid glands produce parathyroid hormone that help regulate the calcium levels in the body.

Precise calcium levels are important in the human body as slight changes in calcium levels can cause muscle and nerve problems.

What happens when the parathyroid glands do not function properly

Parathyroid disorders (such as over-activity of the parathyroid glands called hyperparathyroidism) lead to abnormal levels of calcium in the blood that can cause:

  • Brittle bones
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue and decreased alertness
  • Kidney stones
  • Frequent urination
  • Occasional joint discomfort.

Treatment of Hyperparathyroidism 

There are two surgical treatments approaches for hyperparathyroidism including:

1. Open parathyroidectomy

2. Minimally invasive parathyroid surgery.

Testing is undertaken to identify which gland or glands are hyperactive.

1. Open Parathyroidectomy

The aim of Open Parathyroidectomy is to cure the symptoms associated with hypercalcaemia (over production of calcium in the body) to improve general health and quality of life.

After successful parathyroid surgery, parathyroid hormone levels and calcium levels in the blood return to normal.

The surgery is as follows:

1. You will receive a general anesthetic to prevent you from feeling pain during the operation.

2. Dr Rice makes a cosmetically placed incision in your neck and exposes the parathyroid glands. All or part of your parathyroid glands will be removed, depending on your condition.

3. The incision is closed with sutures beneath the skin.

2. Minimally Invasive Parathyroid Surgery

The aim of Minimally Invasive Parathyroid Surgery is to cure hyperparathyroidism with as little disturbance of the surrounding tissue and organ structures including the thyroid, vocal cord nerves, blood vessels and normal parathyroid glands as possible.

Minimally invasive parathyroid surgery when compared to Open Parathyroidectomy involves:

  • Smaller incision area in the neck
  • Less trauma to the surgical site
  • Less pain and faster recovery
  • Reduced chance of nerve damage
  • Reduced hospital stay

Before the surgery, Dr Rice will run some tests on you to find out the exact location of the parathyroid gland that is causing the issue/s. A tiny keyhole incision of 2cm will be made on your neck directly above the gland. Through this incision, Dr Rice will then remove the gland while making sure that the nearby nerves are not damaged and finally the skin incision will be closed. This surgery is usually carried out under a general anaesthetic.

If complications occur the surgery may be converted to an open parathyroidectomy if necessary.

Parathyroid surgery – Potential risks and complications

All surgeries carry risks and potential complications. Parathyroid surgery risks may include:

Potential Risk Description Chance of Occurring
Post-operative bleeding  This may occur round the surgical site (neck). Less than 1%
Laryngeal Nerve Damage (voice box) Though the chances of damage are minimal a hoarseness of your voice may result. Less than 1%
Hypocalcaemia Hypocalcaemia is when your blood calcium becomes lower than the normal range. This is usually temporary, and is managed with oral calcium supplements. Less than 1%
Recurrence Hyperparathyroidism can recur if another gland becomes hyperactive. Less than 5%
Scar Infection Wound infection is very rare after a parathyroid surgery and thus the reason for not using antibiotics after the surgery. But if an infection does occur, consult your surgeon for evaluation. Less than 1%

What to expect after the operation

Dr Rice will organise for blood tests on the day of or the day after to confirm that the hyperparathyroidism has resolved.

Arrangements will then be made for your review appointment in a week’s time to ensure that the wound is healing well and your overall health is improving.

If your recovery is proceeding well, your next review appointment will be organised in 3-6 months to make sure that the hyperparathyroidism has not recurred and your recovery is on track.

Parathyroid Surgery Adelaide

If you have any questions, please contact my rooms and one of my team members will get back to you during business hours.

Parathyroid Surgery Adelaide

Dr Rice consults with patients from all over Adelaide in relation to Parathyroid Surgery including Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy. Dr Rice is supported by a dedicated team who provide information and care in a sensitive and supportive manner to address the needs of patients attending the hospital and undertaking surgery and recovery. Dr Rice consults from Calvary North Adelaide Hospital, Calvary Central Districts Hospital and 480 Specialist Centre.